Rachel and Calvin Taylor, were on their way home from their wedding on June 21. They pulled off of I-494 onto 5th Avenue and when they saw what was happening, they say they knew they had to stop and help out.
On her wedding day, a Minnesota bride – willing to get her dress dirty – jumped out of her car to help the victim of a crash. She says she couldn’t have done it without the help of other good Samaritans who were willing to lend a hand too.
The photo posted on Facebook stopped people in their tracks: A bride – in her wedding dress – kneeling with other good Samaritans to help the victim of a car crash in South St. Paul, Minnesota.
what started as a fender-bender quickly became a four-vehicle crash with one woman pinned in between two vehicles.
“In this case, the victim had a wound that was pretty bad and the bystanders had helped to control the bleeding on that quite a bit, which was very helpful,”
First responders say the victim’s injuries were serious and the bleeding could have been worse were it not for those who jumped in to help.
“Gosh, we need more selfless people like that around this time, don’t we?” said Quiggle.
They also say seeing a bride in a wedding dress willing to help was a welcome first.
~Mason in the Morning