Ashley McBryde on Almost Burning Dolly Parton’s House to the Ground

 Do you want to hear why Ashley McBryde walks the other way when she sees Dolly Parton?  It’s because she doesn’t want to remind Dolly about the time she almost burned her house to the ground. 

It happened about 10 years ago when she was new to Nashville.  Quote, “I caught her microwave on fire.  I got this gig helping as they remodeled her lake house.  My job was to stay there with her niece who was my buddy.  

“We would let the wallpaper guys in and out and just do that kind of thing.  Use the pool and not mess anything up.” 

Dolly’s niece got the brilliant idea of putting a whole box of bagel bites in the microwave.  They were STILL in the box, which went up in flames.  That’s when Ashley made the “mistake” of trying to solve the problem. 

She grabbed the microwave, which was still on-fire, and ran out of the house . . . ruining the freshly wallpapered room.  She added, quote, “So I lost my job, but Dolly gave me the microwave.  She knew I was poor and didn’t have one.”

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