114 Texas Street in downtown Shreveport is destroyed, so sad – especially since it was a beautiful and historic building.
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Downtown Shreveport played home to a truly scary sight Wednesday evening as a fire raged at the old Humphreys building next to the Blind Tiger.
Without knowing Humphreys, you still most likely know the building in question. It has been vacant for some time and following a similar fire in the vacant space a few years ago, the building has been an eyesore of sorts.
The fire from this evening was reportedly much larger than the previous fire at the same location, threatening not only the Humphreys building but also the neighboring businesses that so many in Shreveport know and love. Near the fire, you have the Blind Tiger, the Sand Bar, and Phoenix 2.0. I have spoken with Tim Huck, who owns both the Sand Bar and Phoenix, and he told me that the fire did not touch either location, and that firetrucks were everywhere to ensure the fire does not spread. I have not gotten a report back from the Blind Tiger at this time, but we hope it remained untouched as well.
At this time, it is not known what caused the monstrous blaze.
If new information comes in, we will update this article.