Zombies have been trending because of the popular HBO show “The Last of Us”. And a new poll found over half of folks in the Shreveport area think they know how to KILL a zombie.

53% say they know how. The other 47% don’t, so they’re DEFINITELY future zombies.
Here’s what this “study” said about a zombie attack in Shreveport:
1. 24% of us don’t think it’s weird to prepare for a zombie apocalypse. And more than one in ten think there WILL be one someday. Of those people, 69% think it’ll happen in the next 30 years . . . including 11% who think zombies already exist.
2. The top weapons we’d want to have are: A shotgun . . . a handgun . . . a bat . . . a machete . . . and a crossbow. Sword, axe, knife, and GRENADE also made the Top 10.
3. The average person thinks they could kill 39 zombies per day if they had to.
4. Who’s the top person you’d trust in a zombie apocalypse? The top answers were: “Myself” . . . “a friend”. . . “my dad” . . . “my brother” . . . and “my mom.”
5. Of everyone you know, who would be the first person bitten? The #1 answer was “MYSELF.” The rest of the top five are “my mom” . . . “my pet” . . . “my grandma” . . . and a “coworker.”
The most prepared states that are ready for a Zombie apocalypse by the way are Wyoming, Alaska, Vermont, and the Dakotas.
((Photo Credit: Canva Pro))