“Forky” From “Toy Story 4” Has Just Been Recalled!

Everyone loves Forky from “Toy Story 4”, right?  There’s only one problem:  He’s potentially dangerous to your child.

Disney has recalled the Forky 11-inch plush toy, because his plastic googly eyes can detach and pose a choking hazard.

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission says parents should immediately take it from their kids and return it for a full refund.

(Hollywood Reporter)


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🚨potential safety recall alert🚨 okay we just saw TS4 *again* and we love Forky more than ever BUT if you purchased this Forky plush prior to today please be aware that some of the googly eyes and arms have reportedly popped off, so please keep an eye on your toddlers when they are playing with it! All of these Forky plush were pulled from store shelves across property today due to the potential safety hazard, but a similar plush should return once the product flaw is fixed✨ Swipe up in our stories or head to the site for more important details✨ us: TOY Forky: T r a s h… . . . . #waltdisneyworld #waltdisneyworldresort #disneysprings #onceuponatoy #worldofdisney #forky #forkyplush #safetyrecall #googlyeyes #spork #imtrash #toystory #toystory4 #disneymerch #disneyplush #wdwnt

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