Category Archives: Uncategorized

What’s the Best Food on a Stick?

What’s the best food on a STICK?  According to a new survey, the most popular items are corn dogs . . . popsicles . . . meat kebabs . . . caramel apples . . . and lollipops.   Here’s the Top 10:   1.  Corn dogs. 2.  Popsicles. 3.  Meat kebabs. 4.  Caramel apples. 5. …MORE

Join 101.1 KRMD For The Out Of The Darkness Walk

Join 101.1 KRMD For The Out Of The Darkness Walk

101.1 KRMD Is Proud To Support the 2019 Out of the Darkness Walk this October to benefit The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention!  This year the walk will be at Veterans Park on October 12th!  Now’s the time to create a team, sign up and start raising money!   When you walk in the Out of…MORE

Shreveport Area Online Job Fair!

Looking for a job?  Check out some of the companies below who are currently hiring and click their logo to upload your resume!  MORE

Restaurant Menus

 What’s for dinner tonight?  Try something new, and expereience some of the best restaurants in the Shreveport-Bossier area.  Check out the menu’s below, and find a new favorite!   Jacks Bar-B-QMORE

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